I realize I started this blog and left it after two posts.
We have had a LOT of ups and downs and now that Brandon, A.K.A. The Hubby, has finally decided to be completely onboard with eating Paleo it is time to buckle down. It has only taken a
lifetime for him to start listening to his
father, but isn't that just the way of life?
As of now, our entire family is not Paleo. Brandon is completely Paleo (it has made such a difference with his blood glucose levels and a
huge reduction in his
A1C's!--He is a Type 1 Diabetic--I promise to post more on this soon.) I am about 90% Paleo, but completely gluten free. Our five children are almost gluten free, but that is all. We are a work in progress.
We have five children. Our oldest will be 18 in a week and he eats a TON. Who am I kidding?
All of my children eat a TON. I have cooked most everything from scratch for a really long time. We have really had a pretty low grocery bill because of it. Changing our eating to Paleo has
definitely increased our spending on food. It is a hard adjustment and it's just the beginning. We don't buy a lot of Organic foods or grain fed meats. They are expensive and they don't fit into our budget
at all. I look for clearance meat and sale veggies.
Natural Grocers, which is what we have in my area, has a clearance veggie bin where I can pick up a bag of going bad produce for $1.00 a bag. I still add a few fillers to my children's meals, such as Basmati rice, potatoes, corn tortillas, etc. But, I keep it
gluten free.
Our Weekly Menu for April 29 - May 5:
I am posting six dinners and breakfasts because the 7th will be a free night and morning. You never know when you have something come up or you are rushed or you just don't feel like cooking.
Lunches tend to be leftovers of dinner, which I will double or triple recipes in order to have. Most dinner items can be thrown on a bed of greens and will make a great lunch. Turkey or ham sandwich meat makes a great "tortilla" for some avocado, onion, and bell pepper.
Fried eggs with fruit (whatever sounds good).
Ham steak topped with the BEST
caramelized onion jam EVER and a fruit.
Eggs scrambled with sausage and some veggies.
Fisherman's Eggs--This looks easy enough. I will probably cook everything in a pan.
Bacon and fruit.
Paleo Breakfast Burrito
Dinners in no particular order:
Paleo Southwest Meat Loaf (I get to use some of the clearance ground beef I found) with guacamole, a salad (usually some kind of greens with dressing).